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Four Corners Volume 1 is out on Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

I have great news!! After MANY months, Four Corners Volume 1 is finally released via Amazon and Barnes & Noble! ✨🍾🎉

If you wanted to grab a copy, this price is slightly cheaper than the version I sell on etsy. The new version’s paper is textured rather than smooth matte, and is slightly longer than the old version. The new version also has a soft touch matte cover.

Content wise, there are no differences from the new version to the older version, aside from the back cover page having a new picture.

However, if you’d still like the opportunity for a signed copy with some freebies and a sketch card, feel free to buy a copy from my etsy!

I’m almost there with the 2nd volume version though! Hopefully volume 2 will be available by the end of this year. ✨ The coolest thing about volume 2 is that there are going to be some done pages, edits, and the addition of an extra page.

Hope to see you soon! 🎉

Summer 2024 Updates

It’s been a long time since I made a blog post! As you may be aware, after a pretty long hiatus, I’ve been trying (my best!) to update Four Corners frequently as I did before, which is weekly or three times a month. I hope you are enjoying Chapter 9 so far, it’s a big turning point for the story! If you are curious to how to read more pages ahead (and the password to unlock them) you simply just need to sign up to the newsletter and an email containing the password will be sent to you. It’s that simple!

Also, many apologies for the lack of color on these recent pages as well, I’m currently trying to focus on producing more lined pages in bulk in an attempt to finish this comic much faster, so I’m thinking that black and white pages might just have to be the norm for now. I’m planning on coloring the pages later when the comic goes to print, but as you all know, this comic has been going on for a very long time and I’d really like to finish it at some point 😅 That’s why just focusing on line art has been so much less stressful than trying to add color to the pages too. Currently I’m lining chapter 12 out of 16 chapters, and I’m moving onto thumb nailing chapter 15. So in terms of sketches/thumbnails, I’m almost there! (About 130 left to thumbnail)

Aside from that, I’m also in the process of getting more distribution for Volume 1 using Ingram. I’m just waiting to approve the proof and then get a copy and check out how it looks. This will be a print on demand book and slightly cheaper than the book I distribute, and also a 6×9 size (slightly longer in height). This book doesn’t have a difference from the current one selling, so if you already have a copy you’re not missing out!

Progress is also still being made on Volume 2, and I’m really hoping to get those out by the end of the year. Most pages have been formatted for the printed size, the bubbles retypesetted, but the next thing would be to redraw some panels, then edit places in the script that have to be fixed. I’m going to see how the quality is at Ingram, but most likely will have two different books for Volume 2, one printed in a higher quality and then the books on Ingram via Amazon or other retailers (if it can really get any traction that way!)

In the meantime, that’s all I have! Thank you all so much for reading and those of you who still enjoy this comic. 💖

Out of hiatus and back in action!

Hi all! Phew, it’s definitely been a long time, but I come bearing good news! 🎉✨ Starting this week, I’m going to start updating Four Corners again!

As of right now I’m not sure what day it’ll be on, so the Sunday update may change to another day that might work better for me. It feels nice to get back to an old routine, to be honest–and I think a year away from posting allowed me to recharge in a way I haven’t been able to experience in a long time. Now I feel renewed and motivated to get back to something I deeply miss doing.

Some things to note/things I’ll be working on:

  • April marks the comic’s NINE year anniversary!!? Yeah…I guess it’s been that long!! I used to like to do something special every April, but as for right now I’m out of ideas. 😅 So for this month I’m also running a sale on the volume 1 books in spirit of the anniversary month!
  • Still working hard with getting volume 2 together. Volume 2 will contain chapters 5-8, and I’m currently trying to re-adjust all the pages to the new size, and then afterwards I need to re-typeset and edit the book.
  • I’m currently lining Chapter 11, page 43/50, so I’m almost done with Chapter 11 line’s! I’ve also finished all the sketches for Chapter 12, so I now need to do thumbnails for Chapter 13. (Thankfully it’s a short chapter, only 26 pages.)

So that looks about it for updates! There’s a lot to do, but somehow or another I’ll manage! Keep your eyes peeled for the next update, and be sure to follow my on my instagram for sneak peaks on pages and my other art related stuff! It’s the social media I’m the most active on.

Until next time!

It’s been a long time!

It’s been a weird few months, and I apologize to anyone who’s been wondering and waiting to see if Four Corners is still alive! I’ve been working as much as I can on new pages of Four Corners (currently lining chapter 11, sketching mid-way through chapter 12) but to be honest it’s not a priority for me to update it consistently as a webcomic right now. I’m trying to put most of my focus into drawing the rest of the comic, but first just tackling lineart. I’ve also been working on some other projects these days which will hopefully come more to fruition this year through print, as I am attempting to start up a small publishing press. Wish me luck on that, haha! 🤣

WIP of volume 2’s cover design
  • Chapters 5-8 have been edited! I just need to get cracking to format everything for a second book starting this year, and hoping for a book 2 release later 2023.
  • Looking into getting copies within the local Northeast Ohio comic shop area. If you are a retailer or library and would like to carry Four Corners, please let me know, either via email or through etsy. I do not have a distributor but I can ship them to wherever you are located.
  • If I end up releasing some pages for Four Corners this year though, they will most likely just be in black and white. Not an ideal situation, but I currently just don’t have enough time to color pages right now.

Lastly, thanks to everyone who still likes reading Four Corners and all those who’ve supported over the years! I really don’t think I’ll ever have another project I will love as much as Four Corners. Truthfully I don’t want it to end, but I also know I really need to finish it, but will definitely be sad when I do–if that makes sense haha.

Hope to see you soon!

A whole new batch of books are up for sale!

Whew, after many months of preparing the files for Four Corners Volume 1, I finally ordered them and they arrived two weeks ago!!! They look AMAZING!! Books are 152 pages and in full color. The paper is nice and moderately thick (so the books are much thicker than the previous books) and the cover has a matte finish.

If you want to grab yourself a copy, they are currently on my etsy for 25.00!

If you live in the Ohio area I am working on getting them in some local bookstores / comic shops this summer, and hoping to sell these at the Pekar Park Comic Fest in Cleveland Heights which is in August.

Now onto the next volume haha, I just need to get the rest of my stuff edited and I’m going to try to release the next volume by the end of this year / beginning of 2023.

Now comes the challenge of trying to move these as quickly as I can. 😅 Wish me luck, and thanks for reading!

On a hiatus, but I’ll get back on the horse 🥂

Hi everyone! If you’re all caught up with the comic, you’re probably wondering why there haven’t been any updates for some time. Currently, I’m trying to finish coloring chapter 8. I’d like to get it all typeset as well, that way I can actually sell a proper early release chapter. So hopefully I’ll be posting Chapter 8 at the end of the month, but you’ll be able to buy all 52 pages, or you can get them as a patreon reward!

Also some stuff that’s been going on:

Four Corners is on “Webcomics App” if you want to read it there! Recently been trying to convert the early pages of the comic to scroll format. Which is SUCH an incredibly frustrating thing, but it’s so insanely crazy how well recieved the scroll format is as opposed to the traditional page format. My comic on webtoon has been gaining more subscribers since the early pages have switched. On webtoons, Four Corners reached 900 subscribers, so yay! Once I reach 1000 I can technically qualify for ad revenue, but I’m nowhere near reaching the amount of threshold monthly views (which the threshold is 40,000 and I get like, 2,000, so lmfao) And funnily enough, my comic gets around 20,000 views monthly on Tapas, yet I get around an average of $.50-$1.00 per month from Tapas ad revenue. I have reasons to believe that those who get an incredible amount of views on these platforms still struggle to make some decent change, so I don’t think the ad revenue programs are something creators should hope to rely on. (Excuse me for the marketing talk, however some of you who might be interested in comics/or make comics of your own deserve to know some of those inner details.)

Also in 2021 plans–NEW BOOKS to get printed at an actual printer, and not hand bound in my house like I did last time, haha. The size is almost the same as the previous book, but slightly wider (6″ x 8.25″). The new books will most likely end at either chapter 6 or 7. I’m going to be doing a LOT of formatting for the book, (I feel like I’m doing “comic surgery” on each page to get it to fit properly within the bleed LOL) so I’m not sure how long that will take. I really want to get them printed by the summertime though, so look out for that!!

After I get the book situation sorted out, something I want to do either this year or next year is an actual trailer video for the comic. I could use it for advertising on social media platforms.

I’m also in the process of cleaning up the future scripts and figuring out how many pages there are. I’ve gotten up to chapter 12 out of 16, and so far….there’s so many pages. LOL. From 9-12 is just about 180 pages. I’m assuming the total number of pages left will be in total 300 more to make. WHEW. I kind of want to finish the comic within 3 years, but we’ll see what happens!

This post is a huge wall of text, but I’ve been doing a lot and hopefully you can look forward to new pages soon!

Early access pages uploaded

I got the entirety of chapter 7 up on the site now, meaning that all the early access pages are available for your viewing pleasure if you’re already a patron! These early access pages should have “[$5+ Patrons]” in their title. As the time passes the pages will slowly unlock, though.

If you don’t want to pledge monthly on patreon, you can alternatively just buy the entire Chapter 7 outright. It’s $6.99 on

Now my next task is to get comicadnetwork ads running on the site properly. Crossing my fingers!

All caught up!

It took me a little to long to do so, but I’ve finally uploaded all the current pages from tapas and we’re all caught up on the site here. Whew!

Some things to note:

  • My next step is to figure out and testing the patreon system on the site, (which is why you see the “log in with patreon” button on the side bar) and hopefully can implement it successfully, so if you’re a patreon, you can easily read the early release pages and any extras directly on the site rather than checking it on patreon.
  • Secondly, if you’re interested, you can also buy the full chapter 7 over here. There’s 72 pages plus a 12 pages extra comic.

I guess that’s about it…until next time! Thank you for reading my comic! 🌸

Launching the site!

Hi all! So I’m finally, FINALLY hosting Four Corners on my own website now. I had plans to do this for a long time, but I’d gotten comfortable with the smackjeeves site and well…we all know what happened with that. 😅 So now, the time has come that Four Corners spreads it’s wings to the world of it’s own server. I’ll still be uploading on tapas, but I’ll most likely stop updating on smackjeeves with the state that it’s in, and will be slower to update on webtoons and comicfury.

Other than that, here’s some plans I have for the things that will be added on the new website:

  • More extra pages, like galleries, updates, and information
  • Webrings / banner link backs
  • Download comic archive (I used to have this on smackjeeves at one point, and I’d like to be able to bring it back over here now that I run my own server)
  • Bringing back donation drives, so for those who don’t want to commit to patreon but would like to donate, I’ll upload a new page during the week after a donation.
  • Translations maybe? At some point (maybe next year) I was considering paying for a translation, I might set up a poll at some point and see which language might be the best one to go with as a start.

That’s pretty much all I’ve got for now. I’m excited to launch the site, it’s nice to have some freedom! Thanks for checking in, I hope you’ll stick around! 🙂